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Windows 7

I returned my defective laptop with its defective Windows Vista to Best Buy because it could not hold an Internet or network connection. Rather than the ASUS G51 I brought home a G60 loaded with Windows 7 - a vast improvement all around. The laptop doesn't have the side lights on the monitor's sides but that doesn't matter much. The important thing is that I can actually get on and stay online and was able to transfer my documents from my desktop quickly and efficiently and without any hang-ups due to permissions or connectivity. I started at about 11:00 am and finished about 6:00 pm and by that time had all files transferred, BitDefender installed, Firefox up and running and even Civ III Conquests installed. And here I spent almost 2 weeks trying to make the last one work.

So I'm quite happy with how it turned out. Had a bit of an early misadventure returning today for the G60. They sent me home with another G51 with Vista so I had to run right back to the store. Fortunately, they admitted their error in selling a Vista computer and didn't try to charge me the 15% restocking fee - another $150 bucks. So I remain quite happy with Best Buy. Of course, how could I not? They're from Minnesota, like me. I grew up with them and have seldom had a complaint.

So far I've no problems. My wireless Logitech mouse is working fine. I even had problems with it on the previous laptop. Just a lemon I apparently. So final judgment? Windows 7 is a winner. So is the ASUS G60. My son now has my old desktop and he's happy too since his old one was my old one and was quite old and wearing down. He can actually get on to Play House Disney now and play his games, and I can go anywhere I want in the house to work and write, which is a huge advantage. All that remains now is cleaning off my desk...but that's a story for tomorrow.