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In from Amazon

I received my eagerly awaited shipment of books from yesterday. There were actually three books. The first was from the Vine program, for me to read and review - Larry Bond's Red Dragon Rising, about a future war (in 2014) with China. I was hooked from the first page. I had just written a review of the perfectly horrible Across the Face of the World, by Russell Kirkpatrick, and one of my complaints was that the character's were not sympathetic. I can say that's not the case here. I look forward to reading it. I got through the first 70 pages yesterday amid frequent interruptions.

The other two books are Jan Assmann's Moses the Egyptian. The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism and William G. Dever's Did God Have a Wife? Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel. I was almost salivating looking at these two books. Actually having them for myself and not through a library is a wonderful feeling.

Here I began the day yesterday wishing I had something juicy to sink my teeth into and my hopes were answered by end of day. I have a couple of Warhammer novels from Vine but they seem of more indifferent quality than usual so they won't be the pleasure to read most of the Black Library's books are and will end up being more of a duty than a pleasure, unfortunately.