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The Tyranny of State Legislatures

In 38 States Being Gay is a Terminable Offense I was horrified by this example of how allowing the States to "protect our rights" is a meaningless statement.

James Madison, author of the Constitution, wrote that the federal government's purpose is to protect the people from the tyranny of state legislatures. Here we have a perfect example of why a strong federal government is essential.

If it were left up to the states, we'd still have slavery - at the very least segregation. Women would not have been given the franchise and, well...yes, you see it here. Gays and Lesbians don't have the full rights guranteed them - indeed, promised them, by the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I don't see any exclusionary clauses there, "Except...." Please, do show me where they are, if you are going to argue that some of our citizens should have fewer rights than others.

It is hardly a coincidence that the people supporting the withholding of these rights are now the ones attacking the Obama Administration as taking away rights, of imposing a totalitarian form of government on our Nation. Sadly, the rights these people most want to protect are the rights they claim to withhold rights from others.

Remember that Nazi Germany made gays and lesbians - yes, and Jews and Pagans - second class citizens. Given it is the Republicans who now argue that gays and lesbians are second class citizens, who do you really think are today's Nazis?

It isn't the liberals. They got thrown in concentration camps too.

The same arguments were used to keep African Americans as second class citizens. The same arguments were used to keep women "in their place" as are now being used to diminish the rights of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. And what argument is that?

God. He just doesn't want it. Do this and you violate his will. Do this, and 9/11 happens. He smacks you down with righteous fury and makes you his bitch.

The constructed other. The politics of fear. Epic fail.

Time to say "Whatever," folks.

Let's do the right thing.

Let's fix this, America. Is the Declaration of Independence, are the words of Thomas Jefferson, a lie?

Note: Cross-posted at A Heathen's Day (