    I've Gone-a-Viking; find out where!

Sunna's Day

What a day! Nothing like what I grew up with in early February in Minnesota. All the snow is gone, save for a few patches. Incredibly ugly outside. It felt like a wet fall day, right after a rain. Normally I wouldn't complain, but I kind of miss having a winter that...well, lasts all winter. These intermittent spring periods are a drag. Fortunately I'm not doing any cross-country skiing these days or I'd be even unhappier.

I watched a few minutes of the Pro-Bowl. It's not a game I've ever gotten excited about, mostly because the players themselves aren't. Nobody is going to risk their career for this game. I think the players on the winning team get about $45K and the losing team gets about half that. Not bad sounding to the rest of us but chicken feed compared to their regular salaries.

I've taken a step back from Digg today. It gets a bit overwhelming and it can consume a lot of time reading through the shouts you get from various people about things you care nothing about. I mean, there are some weird news stories out there. I'm limiting myself to news and politics/religion. There isn't a religion category there but there is some religion news. I also take a peak at stories about web development, of course.

I had intended to get some blogging done today instead but I've been having some trouble with my blood sugar levels. I was diagnosed with diabetes a few weeks ago and this is the first real trouble I had. The other day I was left utterly weak and miserable feeling out of the blue. I didn't know why. Turned out my blood sugar had crashed. I couldn't even lift my arms. At least now I know the symptoms to watch for. I can catch it before it gets that bad.

So tomorrow, back to the blogging so I can catch up on what everyone else is doing, and of course, the forums. I also want to get back to this week. So many pages to update with the new footnote style. It's going to be hard work but it will look great.


Mrs Flam said...

Sorry to hear about the Diabetes , I don't Have full blown diabetes but I have random Hypoglycemia. It always feels like hit and miss ... Before I modded My diet I had to constantly check my sugar.

Wish i could give you better advice..but I still Fight with the Hit and Miss..

Hrafnkell Haraldsson said...

I'm afraid that's what I'll be doing for awhile. I'm not used to having to think about what I eat, or when. The whole concept seems surreal. But the reality of it was sure brought home the other day.

I got a drink powder to take that contains 5g protein. I took that this morning when I got up (with my usual breakfast banana) and I felt much better than when I got up and would either eat nothing or have a glass of tea or juice and some toast.

Thanks for your well wishes, Mrs. Flam. I wish you luck with your symptoms as well!